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Dini Hari Sejumlah Wilayah di Jakarta di Prediksi di Guyur Hujan Lebat
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BPBD Informs Water Level in Several Sluice Gates and Weather Forecast

Jakarta Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) has notified the increase in water level in several sluice gates since Tuesday (2/25) dawn.

We inform it via social media and Whatsapp group of urban village and sub-district heads

Jakarta BPBD Head, Subejo conveyed, moderate-heavy rain is potential to fall in all Jakarta regions until 10 AM.

"We inform it via social media and Whatsapp group of urban village and sub-district heads," he stated, Tuesday (2/25).

City Continues to Optimize Flood Handling

Jakarta BPBD's Data and Information Center Department Head, Mohammad Insaf conveyed, based on data since Tuesday (2/25) at 1 AM, water level in Karet Sluice Gate as high as 610 centimeters or Alert 1, while Manggarai Sluice Gate as high as 895 centimeters or Alert 2.

"Water level at Angke Hulu Sluice Gate, Pasar Ikan Sluice Gate, Sunter Hulu Sluice Gate, and Pulo Gadung Sluice Gate are at level Alert 3 status with water level around 180-240 centimeters," he informed.

Disaster Early Warning (DEWS) which installed in Angke Hulu Riverbank has been activated when water level reached 170 centimeters at 1 AM.

"Residents around Angke Hulu Riverbank have been evacuated to a safer place," he mentioned.

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