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Governor Decree on Slaughter of Sacrificial Animals Misinterpreted

The Governor Decree No. 67/2014 on Management of Shelter and Animal Slaughter in commemorating Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Adha 1435 Hijri has been misinterpreted by a group of people.

Many people misinterpret the decree, particularly the ​​prohibition of animal slaughter in the yard of Elementary School building

Such decree was signed by Acting Jakarta Governor, Basuki 'Ahok' T Purnama on July 17 2014 or when Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo took leave for presidential election.

"Many people misinterpret the decree, particularly the ​​prohibition of animal slaughter in the yard of Elementary School building," expressed Head of Jakarta Marine and Agriculture Department, Darjamuni, at City Hall, Thursday (9/25).

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Whereas, Darjamuni said, his party never forbade residents to sacrifice animals. However, it is prohibited in the yard of the elementary school building. "Why like this? This problem has been discussed at principal meeting," he said.

He disclosed that slaughter of sacrificial animals in the yard of elementary school building is relating to psychological students. "We don't know whether they (students) are ready to see the slaughter of sacrificial animals or not. That's why, we agreed not to hold it in the school," he expressed.

The existence of elementary school building in the capital is a lot. "If it's allowed in the school, perhaps we cannot do security optimally," he expressed.

He continued that his party agreed to prohibit the slaughter of sacrificial animals in the elementary school. "Just do it, but it must be conducted in the Animal Slaughterhouse (RPH), or managed to the committee around the school. Certainly, there is no prohibition, we just impose it at the school," he stressed.

As quoted by, the decree is instructed to the mayor, Seribu Islands regent, Head of Jakarta Marine and Agriculture Department, Head of Jakarta Cleanliness Department Head, Head of Jakarta Education Department, Head of Jakarta Satpol PP, Head of Governance Bureau, and Head of Jakarta Economic Bureau.

The mayor and Seribu Islands regent was instructed to set and handle location and shelter activity, sales, and consumption for sacrificial animals and sacrificial animals which include: ban on the activity of shelter and animal sale on the green belts, parks, sidewalks and public facilities.

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