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Pengerukan Lumpur di Kali Baru Barat Diapresiasi Warga
photo Mochamad Tresna Suheryanto -

Mud Dredging in Baru Barat River Appreciated by Locals

This is the government's right action in dealing with floods by dredging drains

Residents living in RW 08, Menteng Atas Urban Village, Setiabudi, South Jakarta, appreciated the city administration's step to dredge up mud in the Baru Barat River, Jalan Raya Saharjo.

As stated by Santoso (61), a resident of Akabri Housing Complex, RT 11/08, Menteng Atas Urban Village admitted that he saluted this action, which was deemed to be very serious in carrying out mud dredging by mobilizing personnel and heavy equipment.

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"This is the government's right action in dealing with floods by dredging drains," he expressed, Wednesday (9/30).

He, who has lived in the complex since 1997, revealed that it was the first time action in the region.

"We also want the sheet pile to be elevated," he hoped.

Similar statement also came out from Marlina (53), a resident of RT 06/08. She assessed, mud dredging was a must where mud in the river was already very thick and had the potential for inundation when heavy rain poured.

"We strongly support it, hopefully our region can be free from inundation or flooding," she hoped.

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