Tidung Island: 1,529 Visitors Swarm to Tourist Spots during Long Vesak Holiday
access_time May 17 2022 08:06 PM remove_red_eye 739
Reported by Anita Karyati | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
Reported by Anita Karyati | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
During the long
holiday weekend which coincides with Tri Suci Vesak Day 2566, It is noted that as many as 1,529 visitors have packed the tourist destination of Tidung Island, South Seribu Islands from May 14 to 16.They came through Kali Adem and Marina Ancol ports
Tidung Island Port Head for Regional Port Operator Unit (UPPD) Khairul said, last weekend, 1,395 visitors visited Tidung Island. While, on Monday (5/16), there were 134 visitors.
"They came through Kali Adem and Marina Ancol ports," he expressed, Tuesday (5/17).
46,959 Tourists Swarm Thousand Islands during Long Eid HolidayHe added visitors who vacation to Tidung Island still have to meet the health protocols that have been set.
"They must scan the PeduliLindungi application when they arrive at the port," he concluded.