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50 Peserta Ikuti Pelatihan Jakpreneur di RPTRA Jati Bersinar
photo Nurito -

Cookie Training Held at RPTRA Jati Bersinar

There are 50 participants participating cookie training held by East Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Sub-agency, Friday (6/21) at RPTRA Jati Bersinar, Jati Urban Village, Pulogadung.

They are trained to upgrade their skill

Jati Urban Village Head, Evi Erawati, said the training is already held since Thursday (6/20). Participants were from PKK cadre of Pulogadung, Duren Sawit, and Jatiegara Sub-district.

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"Participants are entrepreneurs and PKK cadre. They are trained to upgrade their skill," Evi said.

She hopes this program will gain knowledge for them to gain their welfare.

East Jakarta Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Sub-agency's Training, Positioning, Productivity and Transmigration Section Head, Diah Puspita, explained the training is held five days starting Thursday (6/20) to Wednesday (6/26).

"We made Tape and Chui Kao Sao Cake on the first day, while today was Lumpur Surga, Lapis Berat, and Apem Gula Merah Cake," Diah explained.

On the third day, she continued, participants will make Caramel and Banana Cake. Forth day for Chocochip Muffin, Putu Ayu, and Milk Bun Thai. Fifth day is for Fruit Pie and Red Velvet Cheese.

Meanwhile, Arsy Anbiya (18), one of the participants living at RT 07/11 Jati Urban Village, admitted she took part in training to improve her skills and develop her parents' business selling various pastries online.

"The training material provided by the instructor is very easy to understand. So that it is easy for us to practice it," she admitted.

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