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Disdukcapil - Prosecutor's Office Synergizes to Improve Population Services in Jakarta

The Jakarta Population and Civil Registration Agency (Disdukcapil) is synergizing with the Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office's Civil and State Administration Division in the program to issue Birth Certificates and Child Identity Cards (KIA) in orphanages and abandoned children.

It is important to practice orderly population administration (adminduk) throughout society

This direct effort was made to provide legal certainty for all citizens, towards Jakarta, a Global City.

Jakarta Disdukcapil Head, Budi Awaluddin explained complete identity is needed by all Jakarta residents without exception to provide clarity of identity and status for residents, legal certainty, legal protection, and comfort for owners.

Disdukcapil Gets New Energy to Succeed the Administering Arrangement Program

“It is important to practice orderly population administration (adminduk) throughout society. Hence, we continue to organize the population administration data collection system to make it better with synergy with related parties," he expressed, as quoted by Jakarta Government's press release, Monday (6/24).

Therefore, he appreciated the Jakarta Prosecutor's Office Head, Rudi Margono, who had implemented strategic policies, thus the Jakarta Government gave awards for providing legal services in the civil and state administration sector.

Its award was given during the commemoration ceremony of Jakarta's anniversary at Monas last Saturday for the successful return of assets belonging to Jakarta BUMD during 2023-2024.

"Hopefully, assistance in civil law and state administration by the Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office can create a good atmosphere for civil affairs. Thus, in the future, the aspirations, progress, and success of the nation's children won't be hindered by population administration," he added.

Jakarta Prosecutor's Office Head, Rudi Margono uttered his party would continue to synergize with the Jakarta Disdukcapil in a bid to accelerate the birth certificate ownership program for all residents without exception.

"Owning a birth certificate is a form of protection and recognition of residents' civil rights. This is to anticipate victims of criminal acts, such as child trafficking, exploitation, and even early marriage. Therefore, this identity is a right that must be realized by the state," he explained.

This service that goes directly to the nodes of residents who need it is an effort to support one of the flagship programs of Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office Head in improving the economy, quality of life, and preserving the environment for the welfare of residents. Aside that, the District Attorney's Office together with Disdukcapil would also continue to work together in resolving marriage problems through Isbat Nikah, where West Jakarta is a pilot project.

"The legality of this marriage will affect ownership of the birth certificate when the child is born. And a birth certificate has now become a mandatory requirement for school registration, school exams, passport processing, marriage registration, and inheritance rights management in the future," stated West Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office Acting Head, Badrut Tamam.

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