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 130 Lansia Panti Sosial Nyoblos di TPS Khusus
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

130 Elders of Social Homes Voting in Privileged TPS

130 elders of Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia III Social Homes took a  part in Gubernatorial Election 2017 to vote at privileged TPS 63, Kelapa Gading Wetan, Ciracas, East Jakarta. 

There are 8 sick elders today. Our personnel already visited them to vote

Voting Organizing Committee (KPPS) member at privileged TPS 63, Kelapa Selatan Dua Wetan, Nur Azizah, said originally there were 135 elders who should use their voting rights. But 4 of them have passed away and 1 elder returned to the family.

Rutan Pondok Bambu Residents Cast Their Votes

"We already reported to urban village PPS. We also returned their C6 Form," she said, Wednesday (2/15).

He explained from 130 elders, 19 elders are disabled thus need to use wheeled chair. While 2 elders are blind.

"There are 8 sick elders today. Our personnel already visited them to vote," she added.

Ponimin Rasat (71), one of the elders admitted happy because they were given an ease to vote in special TPS that was prepared inside of social homes.

"We hope pilkada this time will make Jakarta better," he closed.

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