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 Ratusan Warga Binaan Rutan Pondok Bambu Gunakan Hak Pilih
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

Rutan Pondok Bambu Residents Cast Their Votes

Hundreds of prisoners of the Rutan (Prison) Class II A, Pondok Bambu, East Jakarta are seen casting vote in the 2017 Pilkada today, Wednesday (2/15).

Based on the initial data, there are 144 ready to vote

East Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) Chairman, Nurdin said, according to the voters data, 157 prisoners already have C6 form and are ready to cast vote at Rutan Pondok Bambu. But only 13 of them have returned the form because they are free.

"Based on the initial data, there are 144 ready to vote. In addition, there are some new prison officers participate to cast vote," he stated. 

Forkopimda & KPU Monitoring Voting in Five Cities

He explained, besides C6 user, the voting is also addressed to prisoners who have ID card. Yet he does not know how many of them using it because voting still goes on.

"At Lapas (detention center) Cipinang, 4,022 voters are listed in 17 TPSs. Until now, voting is still ongoing. And I haven't had the exact data," he expressed.

Meanwhile, Assistant of East Jakarta Economic and Development, Sofiyan Tahir stated voting at Rutan Pondok Bambu goes conducive. He hoped, the situation could proceed until completion.

"Generally, voting goes well and conducive. Thus far, they cast vote according to the rules," he finished.

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