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       PAM Jaya Perbaiki Pipa Bocor di Kuningan
photo Erna Martiyanti -

Leaked Pipe in Kuningan Has Been Repaired

PAM Jaya's pipeline network in Kuningan, South Jakarta has leaked.

Type of this pipe is PVC. And now we already know where the point of damage and our officers are repairing it

It has caused puddles as high as 30 centimeters on Jalan HR Rasuna Said, precisely from Mampang-Kuningan.

PAM Jaya President Director, Erlan Hidayat stated his side does repairing the leaked pipe by sending officers to the field.

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"Type of this pipe is PVC. And now we already know where the point of damage and our officers are repairing it," he expressed, Tuesday (2/20).

During repair process, the flow of water to the settlements had to be stopped. He then apologized to customers and motorists affected by this repair.

"We apologize to customers if service is interrupted," he stated.

He uttered the area affected by the pipe leakage is around Kuningan Barat. After the repair is complete, the flow of water to the settlements will certainly return to normal.

"The repair is done now. So just wait for the water to flow back to normal," he said.

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