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 PPSU Kelurahan Kenari Bersihkan Tali Air di Tiga Jalan Protokol
photo Adriana Megawati -

Kenari PPSU Personnel Clean Up Gutters on Major Roads

Tens Kenari Urban Village PPSU personnel cleaned road gutters on three locations in Central Jakarta, this Friday (9/25).

Hopefully it can help water to flow well through the gutter thus no inundation on the road

Kenari Urban Village Head, Ojoh Juhariyah explained, 30 PPSU personnel deployed to clean up gutters on Jalan Pangeran Diponegoro, Jalan Salemba Raya, and Jalan Kramat Jaya. It was done to anticipate inundation on major roads during rainy season.

"From 3 major road points, we deploy 2-10 PPSU personnel on each points to clean up the gutters," she mentioned.

Waterways on Jalan Pangeran Jayakarta Cleaned

By cleaning the gutters, she expected it could minimize inundation during the rainy season. In this cleaning work, personnel colected around 60 sacks full of plastic waste, dry leaves, and used bottles.

"Hopefully it can help water to flow well through the gutter thus no inundation on the road," she closed.

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