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Masa Pandemi COVID 19, Bank Sampah Kelurahan Kayu Putih Tetap Eksis
photo Nurito -

Kayu Putih PPSU Collects 180 Kg of Recycled Waste Per Day

Despite we are in the pandemic situation, they have managed to collect 180 kg of recycled waste per day

A number of Kayu Putih Urban Village PPSU personnel from Pulogadung, East Jakarta are often sent to clean up and collect recyclable waste in the environment.

Apart from making sure the environment remains clean, they are also actively collecting 180 kg of recycled waste per day.

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Afterwards, the recycled waste is sent and sold to garbage banks in the surrounding area.

Kayu Putih Urban Village Head Artika Ristiana said the economic value waste sorting program was carried out every day by the PPSU personnel.

When compared to the period before the pandemic, they were able to collect 500 kg of recycled waste, such as plastic waste, cardboard, bottles or used glass of mineral water, cans and so forth.

"Despite we are in the pandemic situation, they have managed to collect 180 kg of recycled waste per day," she expressed, Thursday (9/24).

She explained that the 180-kg recycled waste was sold at Rp 447,000 and the money were transferred in the treasury with a total current balance of Rp 3,630,115.

The money became savings for them and was used for social activities, like helping PPSU members who were sick, had a celebration, donation for orphans, Maulid Nabi activities and various other social activities.

"Nevertheless we continue to urge them to adhere to 3M's health protocols (wearing masks, washing hands and maintaining physical distancing)," she said.

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