KPKP Sub-agency Handles Caterpillar Pests in Sunter Agung
Reported by Anita Karyati | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
The North Jakarta Maritime, Agriculture, and Food Security Sub-agency (KPKP) teams up with the Technical Implementer of the Center for Seed Development and Plant Protection (UPT-P2BPT) has managed to handle caterpillar pests at Sacna Nusantara Complex Housing, Jalan Nusantara, RW 17, Sunter Agung Urban Village, Tanjung Priok Sub-district.
We spray all areas of the house
Tanjung Priok Sub-district Executing Unit Head, Milya Purnamasari said the caterpillar pest handling was carried out as a follow-up to residents' reports.
"We did sweeping and found thousands of caterpillars coming from an empty house with an area of around 2,300 square meters. The house has become a breeding ground," she expressed, Wednesday (1/10).
Manggot Cultivation Developed in Central Jakarta for Waste ReductionShe explained the pests were infesting every tree and bush in the house. Predictably, the pest population reached 20-30 individuals per tree with an average length of four to six centimeters.
To eradicate them, it was carried out by spraying insecticide by deploying three officers.
"We spray all areas of the house, including the surrounding area as the caterpillars are starting to spread," she explained.
Even, the KPKP Sub-agency also took samples of plant pests (OPT) for caterpillars to be taken to the laboratory.
"We call on residents to be careful during the rainy season like this considering there are many pests that breed. Don't forget to always keep the environment clean," she stressed.
Sunter Agung Urban Village Acting Head, Eka Persilian Yeluma appreciated the quick response of the North Jakarta KPKP Sub-agency in handling caterpillar pests in the neighborhood.
"I've contacted the owner of the asset, I will involve him to hold cleaning and pruning. If permitted, we can use it as an urban farming location for locals," he closed.