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PEmbangunan Waduk Kendal
Pembangunan Waduk Kendal, Resahkan Petani Marunda. .
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Residents Around Kendal Reservoir will Be Empowered

North Jakarta Mayor, Heru Budi Hartono, promised he will find solution for dozen of farmers who lost their jobs due to their harvested cropland refunctioned to be Rawa Kendal reservoir. Because, all this time the residents make a living to be cropland farmers in the area of PT Nusa Kirana which become main location of the reservoir construction.

After the reservoir has finished, we can empower them. For example we build "bagang" (Bagang is made of bamboo which is built in the middle of the sea that resembles a small house) in the reservoir, it could be a source of money for them

"They told us yesterday about their fate continuity. We will immediately gathers them, and ask for discussion," Hartono said, Thursday (4/10).

According to Hartono, the farmers delegation has tell their wish to receive refunds. But, the amount will be discussed later after meeting.

Small Reservoir to Be Built in RW 10 Ciracas

"After the reservoir has finished, we can empower them. For example we build "bagang" (Bagang is made of bamboo which is built in the middle of the sea that resembles a small house) in the reservoir, it could be a source of money for them," he said.

Before the reservoir is constructed, there are 34 farmers whose also resident of Marunda Urban Village RW 05, already cultivate rice field since 30 years ago in the land of PT Nusa Kirana. But when the construction developed, they are confused of their fate.

Warah (58) one of cropland farmer that also resident of Marunda RT 04/05 admitted, she is confused where she have to find job even after her harvested cropland can not be cultivated since 1980.

"I am confused what I suppose to do after the reservoir constructed. We had gathered yesterday, Tuesday (4/8), they said they want to give refunds or jobs," he said.

After cultivating 1,5 hectares area, Warah admitted she can take Rp 10 million every crops. Once a year she with her another friends, could be twice to got crops. Now with changing to be reservoir, he has to find alternative job to support him and his family.

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