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Ahok Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival 2014
Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, menyukai preview (pratinjau) dari pagelaran festival Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival ke-11 yang akan kembali digelar pada 9 Mei-1 Juni 2014 di Sentra Kelapa Gading. Ia juga mengatakan pagelaran f.
photo Yopie Oscar -

Basuki Positively Welcomes JFFF

Jakarta Provincial Government will hold Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival (JFFF) on May 9 to June 1 at Sentra Kelapa Gading. The festival is a series of special event which will be enlivened with various culinary and traditional fashion. JFFF is also part of a Enjoy Jakarta's program that normally opens Jakarta Anniversary event.

Surely, it can enhance the attractiveness of the Jakarta city as a tourist destination shopping

Eventually, the event that takes theme Transforming Indonesia's Core Global Taste, will be presented through the three major events, namely Fashion Extravaganza, Food Festival and Gading Nite Carnival.

Jakarta Vice Governor, Basuki T Purnama disclosed that the event has interesting and unique concept because all the products shown are local product chosen by culinary taste and world fashion that can compete at the global level.

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"JFFF has a good concept. Its product such as food and fashion is qualified," he expressed, after reviewing the JFFF at City Hall, Tuesday (4/29).

JFFF Chairman, Soegianto Nagaria added that the event is hoped able to give a positive impact to the Indonesian economy by accommodating creativity of the nation, which is the creative industry thus the product can be developed and be more exist, as well as become the host in the country and accepted globally.

"Surely, it can enhance the attractiveness of the Jakarta city as a tourist destination shopping," he uttered.

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