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Pemkot Jakbar Kerja Bakti di Jl Outer Ring Road
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

W. Jakarta Administration Clean Jalan Outer Ring Road

West Jakarta Administration held communal work together with local citizens along Jalan Outer Ring Road, Kembangan Selatan, Kembangan.

The area condition is so dirty and messy

The effort was participated by 400 freelancers of Sub-dept. of Cleanliness, Sub-dept. of Bina Marga, Sub-dept. of Water Management and Sub-dept. of City Park and Cemetery.

“The area condition is so dirty and messy,” said Anas Effendi, West Jakarta Mayor, Friday (9/2).

Karang Anyar Citizens Hold Mass Communal Work

During the communal work, freelancers were deployed to clean the water channel. They also pruning trees, arranging canstin, and planting trees.

“It is hoped the effort will make the area greener and nice looking,” he added.

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