New DPRD Members Dominated by New Faces
Reported by Erna Martiyanti | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
As we know, the General Election Commission (KPU) had selected 106 new members of Legislative Council (DPRD) on Monday (5/12). Jakarta KPU Head, Sumarno, disclosed that nearly 60 percent of the selected politicians are dominated by new members, while 46 percent are incumbent.
The determination is compliance with the rules with BPP process. Indeed, some old faces or incumbent failed this year
According to him, the stipulation of legislative council members is compliance with the applicable rules and through voting counting stage of the voter division number (BPP). Determination on the number of BPP based on valid votes in the electoral district 1 is divided into seats allocation. Thus, the BPP values for DPRD seats gained.
The determination is compliance with the rules with BPP process. Indeed, some old faces or incumbent failed this year ,” stated Sumarno, Wednesday (5/14).August, New DPRD Members InductedBased on the votes counting results by KPU, the party gets the highest voters is the Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) with 28 seats, followed by Gerindra Party 15 seats, Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) 11 seats, Democratic Party, Hanura, and United Development Party (PPP) get 10 seats each, while the Crescent Star Party (PBB) and Indonesian Justice and Unity Party (PKPI) do not get seat at all.
These are the lists of politicians selected as DPRD members:
- Prasetio Edi M, Jhonny Simanjuntak, Ida Mahmudah, Dwi Rio Sambodo, and HE Syahrial (old members);
- P Sinaga, Ellyzabeth CH, Meity Magdalena U, Steven Setiabudi M, Gani Suwondo, Johnni A Hutapea, and Manuara Siahaan (new members).
2) Gerindra Party
- Iman Satria, Taufik Hadiawan, M Sanusi, Endah Setia Dewi, and Rani Maulani (old members);
- Fajar Sidik, Aristo Purboaji, M Taufik, Syarif, Abdul Goni, Mohammad Arief, Rina A Sartika, and Nuraina (new members).
3) PKS
- Tubagus Arief, A Zairofi, Yusriah Dzinnun, Selamat Nurdin, Dite Abimanyu, and Triwisaksana (old members);
- Abd Suhaimi, Achmad Yani, and Ahmad Ruslam (new members).
4) Democratic Party
- Taufiqurahman, Neneng Hasanah, Santoso, Ferrial Sofyan, Mujiono, Misan Samsuri, Lucky PS, Achmad Nawawi, and Nur Afni Sajim (old members);
- M Hasan (new member).
5) Hanura Party
- Verry Yonnevil, Syarifuddin, M Sangaji, Ruslam Amsyari, Wahyu Dewanto, and Hamidi AR (old members);
- Farel Silalahi, M Guntur, Fahmi ZH, and Zainuddin (new members).
6) PKB
- Hasbiallah Ilyas (old member);
- Mualif ZA, Sudirman, Abdul Aziz, and Darussalam (new members).
7) Golkar Party
- Rudin Akbar Lubis, Taufik Azhar, and Ashraf Ali (old members);
- Ramly HIM, Yudistira Hermawan, and Seppalga Ahmad (new members).
8) Nasdem Party
- Inggard Joshua (old member);
- Bestari Barus, Subandi, dan James A Sianipar (new members).
9) PPP
- Maman Firmansyah, Belly Bilallusalam, Matnoor Tindoan, Ichwan Jayadi, and Lulung AL (old members);
- Riano P. Ahmad, Nina Lubena, Syamsudin, and Rendhika Harsono (new members).
10) PAN
- Johan Musyawa and Bambang Kusmanto (new members).