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Walikota Pastikan Posko Bersama Pilkada Berjalan Efektif
photo Suparni -

Pilkada Joint Post in N. Jakarta Is Ensured Effective

Mayor of North Jakarta, Wahyu Hariyadi assured, the Pilkada joint post at sub-district until city level in North Jakarta will run effectively in accordance with the functions of coordination and monitoring in the field.

It's according to commitment of peaceful Pilkada. Coordination until now runs effectively at all levels

"It's according to commitment of peaceful Pilkada. Coordination until now runs effectively at all levels, starting from three pillars, political parties and mass organizations," he said, Thursday (11/10).

He revealed the number of mass organization in North Jakarta is rampant. Nevertheless, security and public order is so far still favorable and well coordinated.

Conflict-Prone Regions During 2017 Pilkada Mapped

"Our hope is Pilkada in North Jakarta can run peace, order and conducive," he hoped.

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