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Kampung Betawi Setu Babakan
Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Joko Widodo, meninjau pembangunan Kampung Kebudayaan Betawi di kawasan Setu Babakan, Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (23/5). Rencananya, pembangunan perkampungan tersebut akan ditargetkan selesai dalam tahun .
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Kampung Betawi Construction Targeted to Complete This Year

Jakarta Governor Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo visited the construction of Kampung Betawi in Setu Babakan, Srengseng Sawah Urban Village, Jagakarsa Sub-District, South Jakarta, Friday (5/23).

The project is still in semi-finished, will be completed this year. Later, there will be dance performances as well here

According to him, the construction of Kampung Betawi as wide as 3.2 hectares is one of Jakarta Provincial Government’s efforts to preserve Betawi culture, which is a pride for Jakarta residents.

The project is still in semi-finished, will be completed this year. Later, there will be dance performances as well here,” stated Jokowi.

Preserving Art, Culture in Palbatu Kampung Batik

Kampung Betawi Caretaker, Indra Sutisna, told that the project has been ongoing since 2011. But due to some problems, the construction had been stopped.

Kampung Betawi is divided into three zones. Zone A, with land as wide as 3.2 hectares, will be equipped with home theater and Betawi houses. Zone B, which is as wide as 3.4 hectares, is located in the middle of the Setu Babakan where a Betawi house replica will be built. And zone C is a land as wide as 1.1 hectares where Vocational High School (SMK) Betawi Arts to be built.

“The budget prepared for this project is Rp 2.91 billion using multi-year for 2013 and 2014,” he explained.

Sutisna also informed this project has reached 60 percent completion because the construction is accelerated since Jokowi became Jakarta Governor.

“I hope Jokowi’s successor as well as the officials would also preserve Betawi culture, because this area is a center of Betawi culture,” he uttered.

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