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DPRD DKI apresiasi kinerja KPU DKI pada hari pemungutan suara
photo Reza Hapiz -

Council Appreciated Performance of KPU

City Council (DPRD) appreciates performance of Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) in implementing the 2017 Pilkada. Nevertheless, the existing obstacles and problems must be resolved.

I appreciate the good performance of KPU

"I appreciate the good performance of KPU," disclosed Gembong Warsono, Member of City DPRD Commission A, Thursday (2/16).

He furthered, they should evaluate the problems broke out in the election. Moreover, many residents cannot use their voting right due to administrative errors and lack of ballots at TPS.

Council Proposes Total Renovation of Old School Building

"It must be evaluated. In the field, there must be confirmation. Surely it must be anticipated," he stressed.

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