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Puluhan Kios di Terminal Dalam Kota Kalideres Ditata
photo Folmer -

W. Jakarta will Arrange Kiosks in Kalideres Terminal

This Friday (9/22), West Jakarta's Assistant in Governance, Deny Ramdani leads the arrangement towards 28 street vendor kiosks inside Kalideres Terminal.

They are agree with the business place arrangement concept inside terminal

This action which is involving Satpol PP, PPSU personnel, Polri and TNI sides can run smoothly without any rejection from merchants.

He said his side has already socialized the kiosk owners before arranging the area. This terminal area will be built as business place for merchants under Transportation Dept. coaching.

28 Kiosks at Kalideres Terminal will Be Arranged

"They are agree with the business place arrangement concept inside terminal that will use CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) fund," he said.

West Jakarta Small Medium Enterprises Cooperation and Trade (KUKMP) Sub-dept. Head, Nuraini Sylviana explained, the place will be created with food court concept. Fostered merchant under Transportation Dept. will be placed in this food court and charged with per meter retribution that can be paid through DKI Bank.

"Food court construction will take around 2.5-3 months ahead. After it is done, it will be handed over to Terminal UPT," he closed.

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