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95 Petugas PPSU Ceger Cat Kanstin Pembatas Jalan
photo Nurito -

Kanstines in Ceger Urban Village Painted

95 PPSU officers under Ceger Urban Village, Cipayung, East Jakarta start painting the kanstines' roadblocks.

95 personnel are deployed to paint the kanstine in several locations

Ceger Urban Village Head, Nasir Sigar said, painting is carried out on Jalan Raya Bina Marga, Jalan Raya Mabes Hankam and Jalan Raya Ceger and Jalan Rawa Segaran.

Kanstines Along Jalan Bougenville Painted

"95 personnel are deployed to paint the kanstine in several locations. They are divided into four shifts," he stated, Wednesday (2/28).

Especially on Jalan Bina Marga, painting is done at night. It is because the place is very crowded and narrow.

"It is done to create the safety and comfort of motorists at night," he stated.

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