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Enam Ruas Jalan di Jakut Wajib Steril Alat Peraga Kampanye
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

No Campaign Props Allowed on These Six Road Segments in N. Jakarta

Six road segments in North Jakarta are designated as sterile zones from general election 2019's campaign props (APK).

I want election candidate's participants not to install any campaign props on those locations

North Jakarta KPU member, Arief Budiyanto stated, his side prohibits campaign props to be installed in sterile zones located on Jl. Yos Sudarso, Jl. RE Martadinata and Jl. Boulevard Kelapa Gading.

Anies Participates in Video Conference Regarding Security on Election 2019

"It must be sterile from campaign props. I want election candidate's participants not to install any campaign props on those locations," he affirmed, Wednesday (9/26).

Not only those six location, but campaign props are also prohibited to be installed in pedestrian bridge (JPO), worship places, education facilities, and trees on the roadside.

North Jakarta General Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) Head, Muhammad Dimyati stated, personnel are also deployed to monitor and control the area. His side also provides complaints service regarding campaign violation via whatsapp and phone in 082122738000.

"We expect resident's participation to monitor election and campaign period in N. Jakarta thus it can run well and peacefully," he conveyed.

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