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Sudin LH Kepulauan Seribu Maksimalkan Pembersihan Sampah Teluk Jakarta
photo Suparni -

264 Personnel Deployed to Clean Trash Around Jakarta Bay

Seribu Islands Environment Sub-dept. (LH) deploys 264 personnel to clean Jakarta Bay.

Every day our team collects 40 tons of trash

Seribu Islands LH Sub-dept. Head, Yusen Herdimen mentioned, those personnel are deployed to clean trash in sea surface, inhabited islands ,and tourism islands.

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"Every day our team collects 40 tons of trash," he informed, Wednesday (11/28).

Entering rainy season, he mentioned, usually there are many trash in Seribu Islands because it was carried by flowing streams from Jakarta, Banten, and West Java.

"We clean the area to avoid sea pollution from those trash," he said.

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