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Bioskop Indiskop, Bentuk Nyata Kepedulian Pemprov DKI Terhadap Film Nasional
photo Mochamad Tresna Suheryanto -

Indiskop Cinema Shows City's Support for Indonesian Movies

Parfi 56 Leader, Marcella Zalianty stated that Indiskop People's Cinema inauguration at Teluk Gong Market, North Jakarta, shows Jakarta Provincial Government's support for Indonesian cinema.

Hopefully Jakarta can be a role model for other regions to build similar cinema

"Hopefully Jakarta can be a role model for other regions to build similar cinema," she asserted in the middle of Indiskop Cinema inauguration event, Monday (10/7).

According to her, this moment is part of Indonesian cinema history since it is the first time Indonesia to have people's cinema that is built in Jakarta.

Council Supports People’s Cinemas in Traditional Markets

Nowadays, she assessed, not all cinemas can accommodate Indonesian films or movies. It causes a lot of movie piracy because people difficult to access and watch the movies, especially in countrysides.

"Thus we hope with people's cinema, movie piracy can be reduced in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta," she asserted.

Perumda Pasar Jaya President Director, Arief Nasrudin stated, this people's cinema is built to facilitate medium community to watch movies in affordable way, while providing a chance for Indonesian movies to be enjoyed by wider community.

Moreover, he assessed, this cinema can boost people's economy in creative economy and UKM sectors in Jakarta because his side provides place located near the cinema for merchants to sell their products.

"It is business-to-business cooperation between Pasar Jaya and Parfi 56," he mentioned.

His side expected people's cinema at Teluk Gong Market to give benefit to Jakarta Pintar (KJP) cardholders. Because its ticket price is cheaper compared to cinema tickets in general.

"It is quite cheap. Only Rp 18 thousand per person for weekdays and Rp 25 thousand for weekend," he informed.

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