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 Pengerukan Kali Duri Sudah Mencapai 90 Persen
photo Rudi Hermawan -

Duri River Dredging Work Has Reached 90 Percent

It is targeted to be complete on October 20

The Duri River dredging work carried out by the West Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency is almost complete or has touched 90 percent.

Wawan, Division Head for Maintenance of Flood Control Systems for Clean Water, Wastewater and Raw Water expressed it had been carried out since July 9. It was done from Jalan Padamulya until Jalan Latumenten Raya.

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"It is targeted to be complete on October 20," he expressed, Wednesday (10/7).

His side had sent two heavy equipment type amphibious and long excavators plus eight dump trucks and 14 personnel to dredge up mud sediment up to one to two meters.

"This river will be deepened by 1.5 to 2 meters," he stated.

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