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Pengurasan Saluran Jl Kapuas Angkut 175 Karung Lumpur
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

175 Sacks of Mud Transported from Jalan Kapuas

The condition of the drains is filled with mud and waste

10 PPSU personnel have been alerted to clean up the drains on Jalan Kapuas 1 and 2, RW 01, Semper Barat, Cilincing, North Jakarta.

Semper Barat Urban Village Head Benhard Sihotang said it aimed of anticipating puddles during the rainy season. Moreover the water often overflowed from the drains, triggering puddles in the neighborhood.

2,465 Sacks of Mud Transported from Drains Along Jalan MH Haryono

"The condition of the drains is filled with mud and waste. That's why we are trying to clean it," he expressed, Thursday (10/8).

He expressed that the drain itself had 50 cm width and 80 cm depth with 250 m length.

"This work has been ongoing since two days ago and we have managed to picked up 175 sacks of mud and waste," he stated.

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