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Manajemen Sistem Pengendali Banjir Kali Cakung Lama akan Dimaksimalkan
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

Flood Control System in Cakung Lama River will Be Optimized

North Jakarta Government will optimize flood control system in Cakung Lama River by controlling water discharge from channels and reservoirs.

It will be simpler if we manage the flow of water discharge

Water from Cakung Lama River often overflows when heavy rain falls and causes flooding to its surrounding area.

North Jakarta Mayor, Sigit Wijatmoko conveyed, Cakung Lama River crossed three sub-districts, namely Cilincing, Koja, and Kelapa Gading. Ideally, this river needs normalization to increase its capacity thus it can prevent flooding.

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"But it requires a lot of money and work to construct ideal channel for Cakung Lama River. It will be simpler if we manage the flow of water discharge," he stated, Monday (10/12).

According to him, Cakung Lama River is a macro drainage from number of micro channels from residential areas in three sub-districts. The downstream part of Cakung Lama River is connected to Cakung Drain River before water flows into the sea.

Therefore, he suggested to regulate operation of micro channels' sluice gates in residential areas during heavy rain. It is needed to adjust volume of water on the river thus it will not overflow and cause flooding to its surrounding area.

He assessed, it needs collaboration with local residents to increase and optimize channels' capacity by dredging and cleaning it thus it can hold rain water longer before the water flowing into Cakung Lama River.

Water management should be applied not only in micro channels, but also in Petukangan River that leads to Cakung Lama River. Pump operation in Don Bosco Reservoir will be adjusted to the water channel condition in Cakung Lama River.

"It has been discussed with RWs, sub-districts, and urban villages heads together with technical team from North Jakarta SDA Sub-agency," he closed.

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