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       Dinas Gulkarmat Siapkan Personel dan Peralatan Mengantisipasi Banjir
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Gulkarmat Prepares Personnel and Equipment in Anticipating Flood

Jakarta Fire Handling and Rescue (Gulkarmat) Sub-agency Head, Satriadi Gunawan instructed his subordinates to take a part in anticipating flood and inundation in this rainy season.

Please map locations that are prone to inundation thus we can speed up our work

He asked Gulkarmat Sector Heads to coordinate with local sub-district heads and related SKPDs to clean water channels located on roads and residential areas.

"I have issued Instruction Letter to Sector Heads to coordinate with SDA Unit, as well as Urban Village and Sub-district Heads to clean up the clogged channels which can cause inundation," he conveyed, Friday (10/16).

Buildings Along Jl. D.I. Panjaitan - Jl. M.T. Haryono Urged to Build Infiltration Wells

Related to this task, he added, firefighters can use pump unit in their posts to clean water channels. Capacity for each pump is around 2,500-10,000 liters with different water pressure level. In cleaning water channels, firefighters are suggested to use pump with water pressure level between 7-17 bars.

"Sometimes it is clogged because of garbage and mud. By using pump equipped with nozzle with pressure level between 7-17 bars, it can push the mud and garbage away thus water flow can return to normal without disassemble the channel," he said.

He also instructed Sector heads to map locations prone to flood/inundation thus personnel can be prepared for evacuation or rescue.

"Please map locations that are prone to inundation thus we can speed up our work in draining the excess water thus flood fast to recede. The point is, we are ready to take a part in overcoming flood problems," he asserted.

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