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Komisi B Dalami Pembahasan KUA-PPAS yang Diajukan BUMD
photo Nugroho Sejati -

Commission B Conducts In-depth Discussion on KUA-PPAS Proposals Submitted by BUMDs

Jakarta Council (DPRD) Commission B conducted in-depth discussion regarding General Budget Policy and Provisional Budgeting Priorities and Ceiling (KUA-PPAS) for Fiscal Year 2022 which proposed by Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD)s with total value of Rp 6.368 trillion.

We want every rupiah spent to be put to good use

In detail, PDAM Jaya proposed Rp 372.57 billion; Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya Rp 250 billion; PD. PAL Jaya Rp 350 billion; PT. MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) RP 4.713 trillion; PT. JIEP Rp 333 billion; PT. Food Station Rp 100 billion; and PD. Dharma Jaya Rp 250 billion.

Jakarta DPRD Commission B Chairperson, Abdul Aziz reminded BUMDs to submit proposals for Regional Capital Participation (PMD) according to the needs and increase company revenue. There are three BUMD proposals that have been postponed and continued in the revised APBD next year, namely PT. JIEP, PT. Food Station, and PD. Dharma Jaya.

Legislative-Executive Start Discussing KUA-PPAS APBD 2021 Draft

"Today we only agreed on four BUMDs proposals with total temporary proposal amounting around Rp 5.685 trillion. BUMDs whose activities and budgets that have been postponed can submit their proposals again in the following year. We want every rupiah spent to be put to good use," he said at Grand Cempaka Resort Hotel, Puncak, Bogor, West Java, Friday (5/11).

He hopes those four BUMDs can prepare more detailed materials because there will be further discussion regarding PMD proposal in 2022 in Budget Agency (Banggar).

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