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Turap Saluran Air di Jalan Pluit Raya Diperbaiki
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

Channel's Collapsed Sheet Pile on Jalan Pluit Raya Being Repaired

The North Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency is repairing the channel's collapsed 10-meter-long sheet pile on Jalan Pluit Raya, RW 05, Pluit Urban Village, Penjaringan Sub-district.

It is repaired manually using simple tools such as hoe and crowbar

Penjaringan Sub-district SDA Unit Head, Pendi stated, the repair itself involved around 6 personnel.

"It is repaired manually using simple tools such as hoe and crowbar," he mentioned, Monday (2/14).

20 Cubic Meters Mud Cleaned Up from Channels on Jalan Agung Timur 1

According to him, it has been carried out since Wednesday (2/9) and is targeted to be completed in the next two days.

To prevent inundation, his side was also dredging the channel and elevating the sheet pile.

"We hope the weather is clear, thus the repair work can be completed following the target," he conveyed.

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