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Himbauan Pemkot Jakpus Untuk Warganya Yang Mudik
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What to Prepare Before You Leave for Mudik Road Trip

Make sure the electric plug has been unplugged

The Central Jakarta administration has given some important advice that residents must implement before taking mudik exodus to their hometowns during Idul Fitri holiday.

"We urge them to leave their homes and vehicles with neighbors before mudik and report to the head of the local RT and RW," expressed Central Jakarta Mayor, Dhany Sukma, Thursday (4/13).

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By entrusting houses and vehicles with neighbors, it can build a sense of well-being in a community.

"If there is no place in the neighborhood, residents can also entrust their vehicles to the urban village and sub-district offices," he expressed.

He also calls on them to pay attention to electrical installations at home. It is important to do to prevent fires due to electrical short circuits when the house is left empty.

"Make sure the electric plug has been unplugged. Also, make sure the gas compost is turned off. Check again before leaving for mudik," he asserted.

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