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Food Station Siapkan Strategi Dukung Ketahanan Pangan di Jakarta
photo Istimewa -

Food Station Prepares Strategy to Support Food Tenacity in Jakarta

Karyawan Gunarso is appointed as Director of PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya (Perseroda) replacing Pamrihadi Wiraryo. This decision was conveyed at the Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya which was held on April 30, 2024.

will continue to increase the amount of harvest

Wawan, his nickname, has prepared a strategy to support food security, especially for Jakarta. One of the basic strategies that Food Station must implement is strengthening the basic foundations of the rice industry by strengthening sources and networks of production raw materials to ensure stock availability.

"For this reason, Food Station will continue to increase the amount of harvest through various activity programs that have been prepared," he said, Tuesday (5/8).

Rice Stock in Jakarta Exceeds Safe Limit Ahead of Harvest

He assessed that the increased amount of harvest could fulfill the buffer stock needed for Food Station sales to serve Jakarta's food security program and customer needs.

"One of our duties, apart from being profit-oriented, is of course to support food security programs, especially for communities in Jakarta area and its surroundings by maintaining stock availability, distribution and price stabilization," he added.

Wawan explained that Food Station would be more professional regarding rice management and tighten control over compliance with rice standards before being distributed to the market. So that the quality of rice received by the public is in premium quality.

"This is part of the assessment and evaluation that we will carry out. The professionalism of implementing quality control in the field is part of our guidance in the field regarding governance and production processes," he stated.

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