Unemployment Number in Central Jakarta Reaches 4,409 People
Reported by Jhon Syah Putra Kaban | Translated by Cintya Meliza
The low number of job vacancies which is not comparable with number of jobseekers makes unemployment number in Central Jakarta quite high. Evidently, data 2015 recorded the number in Central Jakarta is up to 4,409 people.
The data is obtained from population number who process yellow card
Head of Job Placement and Transmigration Section for Central Jakarta Employment and Transmigration Sub-Department, Sri Wahyuni stated that commonly the unemployment is high school graduate until 25 years old.
Unemployed People in W. Jakarta Reached 113,030
"The number is probably high since our population number is also quite high. The data is obtained from population number who process yellow card," she said (11/25).
She tol
d, one of efforts conducted by her side for reducing unemployment number is by intensifying entrepreneurship activity.
"Manpower certainly should be equipped with some skills, for the training can be obtained in Working Training Center (BLK) in each city," she told.
For those ladies who want to get training can apply to the local urban village office to be continued to BLK.
"Sub-Department also facilitates training and skills such as driving course for free," she explained.