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 Sayuran Hidroponik di RPTRA Tanjong Timor Dipanen
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Tanjong Timor RPTRA Harvests Four Kilogram Vegetables

The Tajong Timor Child-Friendly Playground (RPTRA), Panggang Island Urban Village, North Thousand Islands along with KPKP Sub-agency has harvested four kilograms of vegetables.

Those four kilograms of vegetables consist of eggplant, tomato and chili

Tanjong Timor RPTRA Caretaker Fitri expressed these vegetables were planted from three months ago with a hydroponic system. After harvesting, the results are distributed to caretakers and citizens for consumption.

"Those four kilograms of vegetables consist of eggplant, tomato and chili," he expressed, Monday (12/9).

Four Kilograms of Water Spinach Harvested from Madusela RPTRA

On the other hand, Panggang Island Urban Village Head Pepen Kuswandi hoped that the PKK could develop the same action, as greening and family food security.

"Also including locals," he hoped.

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