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Pelayanan Akta Kelahiran Di Jaksel Hanya Tiga Hari
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7,112 Birth Certificates in South Jakarta Issued

South Jakarta Population and Civil Registration Sub-Dept recorded that about thousands of birth certificates have been issued.

Since in 2013, certificate processing already more accurate and resident does not need to process it twice,

Head of South Jakarta Population and Civil Registration Sub-Dept, Sapto Wibowo said, from the people who had processed birth certificate, 90 percent are been fulfilled, which is 7,112 certificates.

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"Per month, we received 2,500 applicants. Resident can process it at least 60 days from their birth," he expressed, Sunday (12/13).

According to him, it is simple, they simply attach a covering letter, proof of marriage certificate and birth certificate from hospital or midwife.

"Since in 2013, certificate processing already more accurate and resident does not need to process it twice," he told

He explains if there is an error in the birth certificate it can easily be rectified, except changing the name where there should be statute of the court. For service, his side can complete it within three days, as long as all requirements are fulfilled. Indeed, there are still found obstacles in its administration because of unclear and different letters.

Until December 2015, besides issuing birth certificate, his sub-dept also issued 713 death certificates, 523 marriage certificates, 84 divorce certificates, and 79 child approval certificates.

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