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penertiban atribut kampanye jakarta timur
photo Adi Alfiyan -

19,022 Campaign Props in Jakarta Lowered

Post-campaign period, Jakarta Satpol PP immediately lowered all campaign props belong to political parties in every corner of the city. The control is carried out from morning until night.

Many props have not been lowered until now

Head of Jakarta Satpol PP, Kukuh Hadi Santoso, said the massive control against campaign props has been conducted since 12 AM, Monday (4/7), in accordance to the mandate of Election Monitoring Agency (Bawaslu). Due to a lot of props, the control is not yet finished.

“Many props have not been lowered until now,” he stated at City Hall, Monday (4/7).

According to Santoso, his party is also waiting for political parties to lower their props. This is because based on Bawaslu’s direction, political parties are asked to lower their props. Besides small campaign props like flags and banners, big props like billboards will also be lowered. Especially for billboards, the control is carried out at night to prevent traffic congestion.

“I promise that from this day, the control against campaign props will be conducted until night. As for big billboards, those will be lowered at night. If it is conducted in daylight, it would attract people to watch,” he expressed.

At this time, Jakarta Satpol PP is still recapitulating the amount of props lowered. Based on latest data, more than 19,022 props have been lowered and then stored in Cakung Warehouse, North Jakarta. In details, 19,022 props consist of 9,954 flags, 5,601 banners, 131 billboards, and 3,708 stickers. Most campaign props were lowered from East Jakarta (8,816 props), South Jakarta (3,154 props), North Jakarta (3,100 props), Central Jakarta (1,466 props), Seribu Islands (1,272 props), and West Jakarta (1,024 props).

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