400 Units of New Flat Prepared for Relocation
access_time April 21 2016 12:17 PM remove_red_eye 1121
Reported by Erna Martiyanti | Translated by Rizky Mawardi
Reported by Erna Martiyanti | Translated by Rizky Mawardi
Jakarta Dept. of Public Housing and Governmental Building prepares 400 units in Rawa Bebek for Pasar Ikan residents relocation. It is targeted in September the unit has been completed.
400 units are prepared in Rawa Bebek
“400 units are prepared in Rawa Bebek,” said Ika Lestari Adji, head of agency, Wednesday (4/20).
Relocation will be run after the construction is complete.
Pinus Elok Flat Areas CleanedSimilar with previous moment, resident will participate in drawing to get the unit.
“Drawing is applied for residents,” she closed.