City to Sign MoU for Utilization of Kodam Jaya’s Land
access_time May 10 2016 03:25 PM remove_red_eye 1728
Reported by Erna Martiyanti | Translated by Rizky Mawardi
Reported by Erna Martiyanti | Translated by Rizky Mawardi
Kodam Jaya’s land is impacted with Ciliwung river normalization project. There are three locations at river bank impacted by the project. Those are Kampung Berlan, Rawajati and Rindam Jaya.
MoU is about to provide for land utilization
Jakarta Governor, Basuki T. Purnama is about sign memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Kodam Jaya for utilizing the land. Later on, Jakarta Provincial Government will give compensation.
“MoU is about to provide for land utilization,” he said, Monday (5/9).
Ciliwung-KBT Shortcut Divides Water LoadAs the compensation, city will construct a flat on Kodam Jaya’s land. The flat is provided for the army in the capital. “It could be issued this week,” he added.
Meanwhile, Teuku Iskandar, Ciliwung-Cisadane River Area Control Office (BBWSCC) Head, admitted his side could not run the sheet pile project at those three locations because of no agreement. Through this MoU, his side will measure the area soon.
“We need measurement from National Land Board (BPN),” he admitted.