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 Genangan di Jl Raya Pegangsaan II Surut
photo Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing -

Higher Channel, Jl Pegangsaan II Inundated

Rain that poured North Jakarta and its surrounding areas yesterday afternoon, inundating Jl Raya Pegangsaan II, Kelapa Gading as high as 10-15 cm.

The channel is higher than the road. We clean and widen the conduit after water recedes from the channel

Kelapa Gading Urban Village Head, Abdul Buang disclosed, inundation is due to higher position of water channel from the road. His side sent 19 PPSU officers to the location.

2 RWs in Cipinang Melayu Inundated

"The channel is higher than the road. We clean and widen the conduit after water recedes from the channel," he stated, Wednesday (9/7).

He also requests for a mobile pump from North Jakarta Fire Handling and Rescue Sub-dept if the inundation high is more than 15 cm.

"Luckily, it can recede quickly about a half hour and can still be handled," he said.

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