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Bina Marga Dihimbau Inventarisasi Jalan Rawan Ambles
photo Istimewa -

Prone to Collapse Road in East Jakarta must Be Inventoried

East Jakarta Sub-dept. of Bina Marga is asked to inventory prone to damage and collapse roads in the area. The request is stated to respond about collapsed road by 20 meter on Jalan I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Klender, Duren Sawit.

I request Dept. of Bina Marga to inventory the roads, and repair them

“I request Dept. of Bina Marga to inventory the roads, and repair them,” said Husein Murad, East Jakarta Vice Mayor, Tuesday (10/25).

According to him, roads need to be maintained are along water channel. It is because the soil could be eroded by the water.

All Strategic Roads Must Be Completed with TPE Next Year

“Please also maintain the protocol, artery, settlement and MHT roads,” he closed.

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