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KPU Tetapkan Nomor Urut Cagub-Cawagub DKI 2017
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Jakarta KPU Announces Ballot Numbers

Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) has announced the ballot numbers drawing result for Jakarta regional election 2017 pairs, Tuesday (10/25).

Thanks to God that the drawing run smoothly

During the drawing, Basuki T. Purnama - Djarot Saiful Hidayat got first chance to take the number, and followed by Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono - Sylviana Murni, and Anies Baswedan - Sandiaga Uno.

As the result, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono - Sylviana Murni got number one, Basuki T. Purnama - Djarot Saiful Hidayat was number 2, and Anies Baswedan - Sandiaga Uno was number 3.

Jakarta Bawaslu Encourages Peaceful Campaign

Sumarno, commission chairman, stated the ballot numbers drawing result have nothing to do with anything. It is only easing citizens to vote.

“Thanks to God that the drawing run smoothly,” he stated.

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