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Cagub-Cawagub yang Berpolitik Uang akan Disanksi
photo Yopie Oscar -

Pilkada Participants Must Be Ready to Be Elected and Not Elected

As reported earlier, three pairs of candidates for Jakarta Governor and Vice Governor on the Peace Campaign Declaration that held by Jakarta KPU, at Silang Barat Monas, Saturday (10/29). In that occasion, Head of Jakarta KPU, Sumarno said those signed a commitment to be ready elected and not elected.

The event is marked by the signing of the commitment to be ready elected and not elected

"The event is marked by the signing of the commitment to be ready elected and not elected. All have the potential to be elected, but only one pair.  So you must be ready to accept the reality of it all," he stated, during Peace Campaign Declaration and Integrity, Saturday (10/29).

Role of Pilkada Joint Post Must Be Maximized

Yet the supporters are also appealed to obey such commitment. "Every candidate's success team must be able to warn their supporters," he disclosed.

The candidates also signed an inscription of Peace Campaign Declaration and Integrity. Additionally, the props were also symbolically given from Jakarta KPU to every candidate.

It also marked the campaign period that began on October 28, 2016 until February 11, 2017. While the voting will be held on February 15, 2017.

"Ahead of 2017 Pilkada on February 15, the time only leaves about 108 days. Several stages have been passed. Today, we already entered campaign stage that takes place for 107 days," he finished.

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