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Lima Tugas Pokok Plt Gubernur DKi Sudah Diselesaikan
photo Reza Hapiz -

Acting Jakarta Governor Confirms Day Off on February 15

Acting Jakarta Governor, Sumarsono, affirmed on February 15, 2017 or Gubernatorial Election (Pilkada) day as a City day off. Thus, activities in government or even in private offices will be off. 

Public services such as health centers (puskesmas) and hospitals remain open

"Region that hold an election, including Jakarta, will have a day off," he said, Thursday (2/9).

He explained that the policy refers to Law No. 10/2016 regarding the Election of governors, regents and mayor.

Gubernatorial Election Logistics in Central Jakarta Distributed

"We just need to issue the formal letter, because it should be from Minister of Internal Affairs and as on Mr. President's instructions," he added.

According to him, if it is mandated by the Law, it must be implemented. However, he ensured that public services in City will continue as usual on the voting day.

"Public services such as health centers (puskesmas) and hospitals remain open. SOP services must not be closed," he explained.

Not only that, the official Department of Population and Civil Registration (Disdukcapil) DKI Jakarta will also remain on duty on February 15.

"Firefighters also remain on standby to help people," he closed.

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