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 600 Polisi Kawal Pendistribusian Logistik Pilkada DKI di Jakpus
photo Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing -

600 Police Personnel Escorted Pilkada Logistic Distribution in C. Jakarta

Central Jakarta Resort Police deployed 600 personnel to secure ballot and logistic distribution needs for 2017 Jakarta Gubernatorial Election (Pilkada).

It is involving for about 600 personnel. Each resort escorted up to specified point

Central Jakarta Resort Police Chief, AKBP Asep Guntur, said that security is done to make sure distribution can run smoothly without any problem.

"It is involving for about 600 personnel. Each resort escorted up to specified point," he said at Central Jakarta KPU Logistic Warehouse, Tuesday (2/7).

Pilkada Ballots in E. Jakarta Start Being Distributed

He affirmed that his side will not let any unauthorized parties interfere the distribution. 

"We race against time, do not let any tardiness because it will be followed by another tardiness, do not let any interference," he closed.

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