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Keamanan Saat Pencoblosan Pilkada Sudah Terjamin
photo Reza Hapiz -

Use Your Voting Right Without Fear, Acting Governor Says

Approaching the 2017 Pilkada on February 15, 2017, Jakarta Provincial Government has guaranteed the security and comfort for Jakarta residents who want to cast their right voting. Hence, those are urged not to golput (poll abstention). 

We want Jakartans to use their voting right in the upcoming election without fear,

"Use your voting right without fear," expressed Sumarsonop, Jakarta Acting Governor, after he attended a meeting at the office of Jakarta General Election Committee (KPU), Salemba, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (1/7).

Meanwhile, Chief of Polda Metro Jaya, Ir. Gen. M Iriawan also urged residents who want to give aspiration to obey the rules.

Jakartans, Use Your Voting Right in the Forthcoming Pilkada

"They must also be responsible and respect the rights and freedoms of others," he said.

On that occasion, the meeting was also attended by Chairman of Jakarta KPU Sumarno, Chairman of Jakarta Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Aminah Susanti and Chairman of Military Commander (Pangdam Jaya) Teddy Lhaksamana.

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