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Kepala Dinas Energi dan Perindustrian DKI Jakarta, M Haris Pindratno mengatakan, pihaknya telah berk
Sebanyak 500 petugas gabungan siap amankan pelaksanaan Pekan Rakyat Jakarta (PRJ) yang akan diselenggarakan di kawasan silang Monas, Jakarta Pusat. Rencananya acara perdana ini akan dibuka langsung oleh Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Ba.
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500 Personnel Ready to Safeguard Monas Jakarta Fair

As many as 500 Satpol PP personnel and policemen are going to safeguard the implementation of Jakarta Fair (PRJ) in Silang Monas, Central Jakarta. As planned, Acting Jakarta Governor Basuki T Purnama to officially open the event this afternoon, Tuesday (6/10), at 4 PM.

Coordination has been conducted with Satpol PP and City Police for Jakarta Fair safeguarding since the amount of visitors is predicted to reach 500,000 people per day

Coordination has been conducted with Satpol PP and City Police for Jakarta Fair safeguarding since the amount of visitors is predicted to reach 500,000 people per day,” stated Head of Jakarta Energy and Industry Department, M Haris Pindratno, Tuesday (6/10).

According to Pindratno, those officers will be placed in several points during the event is held. In addition, the coordination with the police also includes traffic flow management around Silang Monas. For that, alternative routes have been prepared if the traffic heading Monas was gridlocked.

Policemen Deployed to Safeguard Lokbin Raffling Process

“The alternative routes are just situational. We will not impose it if the traffic still smooth,” he told.

Monas Jakarta Fair will run for six days from June 10-15. As many as 2,871 booths selling clothes, souvenirs, foods, et cetera, will enliven the event. Jakartans can also enjoy more than 80 attractions, including cultural attractions like wayang orang (human puppet) and other Betawian cultures.

“Monas Jakarta Fair is held to facilitate the residents who are not able to buy entrance tickets of Kemayoran Jakarta Fair, because this event is free of charge,” he uttered.

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