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Pengerukan Waduk Hutan Kota Srengseng Sudah 75 Persen
photo Rudi Hermawan -

Srengseng Urban Forest Reservoir Has Been Dredged Up to 75 Percent

Reservoir is dredged up to two meters depth. Predictably will be complete in early August

Reservoir dredging in Srengseng Urban Forest, Jalan Haji Kelik, Srengseng Urban Village, Kembangan, West Jakarta has reached 75 percent. After it is done, it is hoped could minimize inundation in Kelapa Dua and Srengseng urban villages when it rains.

West Jakarta Water Resources Sub-dept. Head, Imron said, reservoir in the location already experiencing silting.

Aselih Embung Dredging Process Reached 30 Percent

"Thus the water channel from the settlements in both urban villages can't flow directly, so overflowing to the settlements," he expressed, Tuesday (7/18).

To speed up dredging, he has sent three amphibian excavators and one long-arm excavator to the field. In addition, 12 officers are also alerted for the transport of dredging results. 

"Reservoir is dredged up to two meters depth. Predictably will be complete in early August," he hoped.

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