Draft Bylaw on Market Completely Discussed
access_time September 13 2017 09:48 AM remove_red_eye 1120
Reported by Suriaman Panjaitan | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
Reported by Suriaman Panjaitan | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
Jakarta DPRD has completed the discussion of the Draft Bylaw on the Market.
After being approved in Rapimgab, the draft bylaw is submitted to Home Ministry
Merry Hotma, Vice Chairman of Jakarta DPRD Bapemperda, expressed the next stage will be coordinated between the Executive and the Secretariat of Bappemperda.Economic Bureau Asked to Finalize Grand Design Marketing
"Coordination must be done to match the articles that have been discussed," she stated, Tuesday (9/12).
He explained the draft bylaw would be brought in Joint Executive Meeting (Rapimgab).
"After being approved in Rapimgab, the draft bylaw is submitted to Home Ministry," he stated.
In the meantime, Jakarta Economic Bureau Head, Sri Haryati added, the Draft Bylaw on Market is ascertained to have a side to small and medium enterprises (UMKM), and small and medium industries (IKM).
"We strengthen the partnership in this draft bylaw, starting from supply, marketing, distribution and others," he closed.
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