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Penataan di Kawasan KBB Sudah Melalui Tahap Sosialisasi
photo Reza Hapiz -

KBB Arrangement Socialization Phase Has Been Done

Jakarta Provincial Government has arranged West Flood Cannal (KBB) area on Jalan Tenaga Listrik or KBB Inspection road. Illegal buildings occupied the area have been controlled

residents already packed their belongings before we discipline them

Jakarta Vice Governor, Sandiaga Uno said, socialization has been done one week before the arrangement.

"Arrangement is one of our tasks and it has been socialized one week before. So, residents already packed their belongings before we control them," he said, Monday (11/13).

131 Illegal Building on KBB Inspeksi Road Controlled

He informed, that 6.5 kilometers road needs to be arranged because it will be used as access road for heavy equipment to normalize KBB. Besides, it has entered rainy season.

"That road must be used according to its function. Moreover this road is also needed for heavy equipment's mobilization," he expressed.

Meanwhile, North Jakarta Mayor, Mangara Pardede added, arrangement process on Jalan Tenaga Listrik has been conducted well. After arrangement, Satpol PP will monitor and guard the dredging site which is done by Ciliwung-Cisadane Flood Control Office (BBWSCC).

"One week before the arrangement, socialization has been done and they accept it. Today, it must be completed and become clean," he closed.

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