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Sandi Apresiasiasi Penataan Kawasan KBB Berjalan Kondusif
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Sandi Appreciates Well KBB Arrangement

Jakarta Vice Governor, Sandiaga Uno appreciates arrangement in West Flood Canal (KBB) on Jalan Tenaga Listrik or KBB Inspection Road, Tanah Abang had run well.

Thanks to Central Jakarta Administration team for controlling KBB area in a good and peaceful way

According to him, illegal building controlling had run well due to good socialization which is conducted one week before arrangement.

"Thanks to Central Jakarta Administration team for controlling KBB area in a good and peaceful way," he said at City Hall, Tuesday (11/14).

KBB Arrangement Socialization Phase Has Been Done

He asks Satpol PP personnel to guard on the location after controlling to prevent sterile area to be occupied again.

"Satpol PP personnel need to come early in the morning and clearly inform people who want to go back to that place," he mentioned.

He added, controlling is done to ensure Ciliwung-Cisadane Flood Control Office (BBWSCC) to normalize KBB channel well.

"KBB must be ensured to function well in anticipation for rainy season. Yesterday, we monitored it by drone. There are no illegal buildings anymore and heavy equipment could enter the site," he closed.

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